In celebration of UN World Oceans Month, the Climate Reality Project June NYC Chapter meeting will cover the topic of the challenges our oceans face and is titled Oceans in the Anthropocene. Panelists include:
Emily Duwan is the Program Officer for the Marine Conservation Action at the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium. She is also the president-elect of the board of Massachusetts Marine Educators and serves on the board of Women Working for Oceans (W2O) with a focus on their environmental justice work.
Dr. Baerbel Hoenisch is a Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) and the Columbia Climate School, specializing in Paleoceanography. Her primary research interests are the linkages between atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate in the past, including the validation and application of paleoproxies in marine archives.
Dr. Phil Trathan is a research scientist on the biology, ecology and management of marine ecosystems in the Antarctic. He has studied the emperor penguin extensively, is affiliated with the British Antarctic Survey and is the NERC/BAS lead with the organization responsible for managing Southern Ocean fisheries, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.
Andrea Treece is a Senior Attorney with Earthjustice. Working to ensure the rights of those who can't speak for themselves, she's worked on conserving the food base for sea lions, sea birds, and other marine predators off the West Coast and protecting coral reefs in the Caribbean. She fought valiantly against reinstatement of the 'No Otter Zone,' chalking up a victory for the California Sea Otters.
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