Geodynamics Seminar—Göran Ekström


Past Event

Geodynamics Seminar—Göran Ekström

November 25, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Seismology Building, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 Seminar Room

Hi everyone,

Please join us for the Geodynamics Seminar in the Seismology Seminar Room (seismology 2nd floor) this coming Monday, November 25th at 2 pm. Our own Göran Ekström will be presenting to us on seismic sources in the atmosphere.

All the best,

Conor Bacon, Josh Murray, Collin Brandl, and Terry Plank

Title: Seismic sources in the Atmosphere

Abstract: When an explosion happens in the atmosphere, a blast wave that travels faster than the speed of sound is generated. Common sources are bolides, volcanic explosions and man-made atmospheric blasts. Pressure waves in the atmosphere are recorded by a variety of instruments, including barometers, microbarographs, and infrasound sensors. Pressure variations can also couple into the ground and generate elastic deformation and waves that are recorded by seismometers. In this talk I go over some fundamental aspects of atmospheric blast waves and what is needed to understand the seismic signals that they generate. Much of the scientific understanding was developed in the study of atmospheric nuclear explosion, and I apply some of that knowledge to analyze seismic signals generated by large Soviet explosions at Novaya Zemlya the early 1960s. I also discuss interesting seismograms associated with recent exploding meteoroids.

Zoom link:

For a complete view of the planned seminars this semester, please visit the calendar on the Geodynamics Seminar webpage.

Contact Information

Conor Bacon