On Fire: The Escalating Consequences of a Warming Climate, with Park Williams, PhD, and questions from Alex Halliday, Director
Join us online for a lecture by Park Williams about how climate change is fueling dangerous wildfires--and what we can expect in the future.
The Speaker:
Park Williams, PhD is a Lamont Associate Research Professor of Biology and Paleo Environment at Columbia University’s Earth Institute - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. He is a bioclimatologist focused on the impact of climate variability and climate change on the living world. His work seeks to improve understanding of drought and its effects on terrestrial systems, including ecosystems, the carbon cycle, agriculture and humanity.
About Us:
The Earth Institute at Columbia University is the world leader in interdisciplinary climate and sustainability research, policy and teaching. Under the directorship of pioneering geochemist Alex Halliday, PhD the Earth Institute brings together a community of earth and environmental scientists, economists, lawyers, public health specialists and business and policy experts to seek solutions to the planet’s most pressing challenges.